Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do!


August Greetings Everyone!

If someone asked me for a list of my favorite motivational speakers and authors, I would have to include the late Dr. Robert H. Schuller as one of the top two.

I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to him several times in my life and have been an avid reader of his books for many years.  I even attended one of his services in Garden Grove, California in the early nineties.

The title of my column this month, “Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do!” is one of my favorite messages by him.

As you may have read in my July column, Barbara and I have been through some pretty rough times this year that turned our life and business (literally) “upside down” when five feet of flood water destroyed our home, cars, clothes, contents, and furniture.  In addition, whatever the water did not ruin, chances are the toxic mold did.

Dr. Schuller’s words of advice are great and very true but sometimes when you are in the middle of one of the most devastating experiences of your life, you might find it difficult to keep the above in mind.  It’s important to remember that G-D did not create you to fail.

All of the subjects of this magazine’s cover stories have experienced disappointments and challenges in starting and growing their businesses.  Many were told that they would NOT be successful in their endeavors and yet they refused to quit.

Yes, my faith and belief system were shaken as we were overtaken by flood waters and our calls for help went unanswered.  How could “My G-D” let this happen?  As I write this column 10 weeks later, I can honestly say that the experience and the support from friends, family, and associates (and even strangers) have strengthened my faith and my belief in the above title even more.

This month’s cover honoree, Eudora Healthcare founder, Kenny Ozoude had trouble finding his direction in life so much that his parents worried that he would be a student forever.  Every time he thought he knew what he wanted to do in life, he found it wasn’t for him.   Eventually, he found an area he knew was a perfect fit and acquired a degree in that field but years later he realized he was on the wrong side of the business transaction and once more, he went back to school.  Undeterred, Kenny has finally found his way and the sky is the limit in his success.

I know you will enjoy his story.

Good Reading, Good Sales, & Much Success to You!

Steve Levine

President/Executive Publisher


About Author

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