Three Simple Rules of Entrepreneurship


I find Facebook and some of the other social media an amazing source of information both useful and useless.

Recently I found a post on Facebook that I shared on my own personal page that was titled “Three Simple Rules of Life” and I saw them as applications for entrepreneurship    as well, have tweaked them slightly and thought that I would share them with you. To the original author, I extend my apologies and appreciation.

Here they are:

  • If you don’t GO after your business goals and dreams you won’t ever achieve them.
  • If you don’t ask, the answer will always be NO.
  • If you don’t attempt to move forward, you’ll always be in the same place.

The message of these three rules is “clear as a bell” (as they say).

An entrepreneur must start with a dream, have clear goals and then must take the initiative to make them happen. Additionally they must seek support from resources avaialbe to them and not be shy about asking for help. Even if their request is declined and hear “no”, they must understand that the “no” sometimes means “not yet.?

One of my dear friends and mentors, Marshall Haas used to say, “Never be 100% satisfied with your efforts, when you are (100% satisfied) you become complacent and remain at a standstill.

This month’s cover honoree, Ms. Donna Cole of Cole Chemical know this well.


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