Seven Alternative Methods to Calm Fear of Public Speaking


By Pam Terry

For some people, no matter what they try, they can’t seem to get past their fear of public speaking.   There are several things that should reduce and even eliminate nervousness and anxiety.  These are:

  • Taking the focus off of you and focus on the value that you are providing
    (it’s not about you – it’s about the audience)

Believing in the value you are providing

Preparing a written outline or written speech

Actually practicing your presentation
(preparing & practicing can reduce 75 percent of anxiety)

Giving your presentation often

Appreciating your audience

Allowing yourself to make mistakes

Deep breathing/exercising

Investing in improving your speaking skills

In my workshops on Mastering Public Speaking, I spend, on average, about 30 minutes discussing these various techniques for eliminating anxiety.  Although these methods are highly effective for reducing and eliminating anxiety, and most people “get” them, there are those who simply continue to feel powerless to stop stressing about speaking.  These people are still focused on themselves, and can’t seem to shift their focus no matter what.

Stress and anxiety are products of the mind.  Therefore, the focus is inward and the thoughts are actually causing the stress.  But, knowing this, for some people, doesn’t make any difference. These people feel powerless to change.

In these extreme cases, there are alternative methods for eliminating any anxiety, which may stem from a traumatic incident or could be because of health issues (as viewed by acupuncturists).   I have heard some people say that they take drugs to calm their nerves.  I do not advocate masking anxiety with drugs, at least not as a permanent solution.  Why do that when you can eliminate the issue all together and become healthier in the process?  Healthy alternative and effective methods include:

Acupuncture – Anxiety can be a result of energy that is blocked in certain organs.  Acupuncture focuses on well-being as a by-product of freedom from energy blocks.  In Houston, I recommend:  David Trevino, M.Ed., M.S.O.M., L.Ac., Acupuncturist

Hypnosis – Can eliminate anxiety in one to three sessions.  In Houston, I recommend:  Michael Yeager, B.A., LCDC, C.Ht, LMT, CAS, SAP, CTC, Holistic Healthcare Practitioner including Hypnosis services.  

Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) – EFT is a relatively new therapy that is similar to acupuncture in that you are tapping on certain points on your hands, face, and head.  You can do EFT yourself or have someone do it for you.  You’ll find demonstrations of EFT on YouTube.  Search for “EFT for Anxiety.”

The Landmark Forum – an extraordinary, accelerated, and transformational educational seminar that causes permanent shifts in the quality of your life.

Essential oils therapy – There are at least a dozen essential oils for dealing with anxiety.  Do a Google search for “essential oils for anxiety and panic attacks.”

Fitness and nutrition – Caffeine and sugar can exacerbate anxiety.  Exercise, eating healthy, and getting a good night’s rest can help reduce anxiety and boost your well-being.

The Rubber Band – A simple technique – Think of a time in your life that was peaceful, joyful, fun.   Place a rubber band on your wrist and every time you start to feel anxious, worry or have negative thoughts, pop the rubber band on your wrist and think about the peaceful, joyful, fun time in your life.  This trains your brain.

Public speaking can be fun and extremely rewarding.   Being fearful about speaking is common, yet anyone and everyone can overcome their fears, anxiety or nervousness.  A little bit of nervousness is ok.  It just means you care.

Pam Terry, Speaker Coach and Communications Trainer,, 832-276-4153,,


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