New Year’s Resolutions Versus Daily Resolve


Written by Steven Kay, Steven Kay Media LLC

Every year I always hear people saying the same thing, “My new year’s resolution is…” followed by one or two wishes they would like to come true, yet I am never sure the person making this statement actually believes it will. Many of these resolutions are fairly common: get in shape, exercise more, lose weight, make more money, watch less TV, spend more time with family, quit smoking (or another favorite vice) and other would-be goals.

A short sidebar, I think that the reason people may not believe they can do it, and therefore often times do not, is because they always have ‘reasons’ that follow of why they cannot. In another article that I wrote called “Breaking Beyond Belief,” I spoke of limiting beliefs. Many times these limiting beliefs are the reasons why a goal has not been reached even though we believe it is possible. Those ‘reasons’ are the very beliefs that stop us from getting what we want and are what we should be working on to overcome. If you do this, you will be able to raise your own limitations you have set and therefore, be able to achieve what you want. Now, back to resolutions…

The problem with resolutions is that they are not goals, and they are typically handled like anything but. Goals require daily resolve, a constant effort working toward an achievement. In order for us to achieve what we wish to, we must take that resolution and turn it into a written goal, develop a step-by-step plan to accomplish it, then put that into motion by taking action, all the while having the firm belief in both ourselves and that it will be so.

The bottom line is that resolutions usually don’t work. Resolutions do not work because they have no substance; they are nothing more than empty statements because they have no structure within them to make them solid. Resolve is solid tenacity, made up of the constituent elements of your goals and action plans. To accomplish something you want, you must have the resolve to stick to it day in and day out.

Peter Drucker said, “The most effective way to manage change is to create it.” You should always be working on the life you want to create for yourself, all the time. Daily resolve is the only way to have everything you desire.

Resolve is a daily thing; you make it happen every day, not just once a year. Turn that resolution into a revelation and create the resolve in yourself to work toward your dreams daily. With daily resolve, you will turn these wishes into your goals, and your goals into plans. From there, put your plans into actions and turn your actions into the accomplishments that will make up your life as you envision.

Steven Kay, Talk Show Host & Producer / Media Buyer & Consultant, Steven Kay Media LLC, 713-STEVEN-K (713-783-8365),,


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