How to Become Your Own Personal Coach


Rita Santamaria

The fact you are your own boss, or independent contractor already says volumes as to your personal sense of faith in yourself. Most people desire to work for themselves and be in charge of their own business success. It’s a little stressful, time consuming and uncomfortable when you are the boss, administrative assistant, mail room person, maintenance engineer, IT specialist and marketing expert.

So how did you do it?

You must live your dream and then it’s not about making a living. Your daily routine is about doing what you love. If you love what you do, then you will always be successful. The reverse is also true. Change your career if it is a drudgery to suit up every day and go to work.

Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple, is quoted when speaking to Stanford University, “You’ve got to find what you love and live like you are hungry, everyday”.

Being your personal coach starts with a basic plan or a strategic plan and then implementing your plan. When you have direction you are not wasting your time on non-revenue generating hours.

Attitude is more important than aptitude. I challenge you to check your attitude. You must have the mannerly attitude that encourages your client to spend time with you. Positive self talk is a mandatory and regular exercise for all humans.

What self talks are you having? They should be similar to this talk, “This year I am going to do 25 percent better than last year and I have my plan for doing so.”

Self talk should be personal. “I know I can make this sales goal because I am trained, I am prepared, my strategic plan is in place and my clients have been consistently pleased with my service.”

By helping your clients achieve their needs you are assisting yourself to a successful year.

Fear is a common factor when you are in business. Being serious about your work, helping others achieve their needs, reading current industry related information which keeps you updated will take the fear out of being on your own.  This will increase your income and your self-confidence.

The last serious consideration for being your own personal coach is to hold yourself accountable for your ongoing pipeline of contacts. Prospecting for business is a daily task. When you develop and continue to grow your contact list, there will be business in your pipeline.

As Ben Franklin said, “well done is better than well said.” Once you put these suggestions in place and do them, you will see increased business; implementation is the final step in coaching.

Rita Santamaria is the owner of Champions School of Real Estate. for real estate, loan officer, appraiser, inspector, and personal development careers.


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