Attainable Goals


By Sonia Clayton, President/CEO of Virtual Intelligence Providers, LLC

When we consider long-term success, we must consider strong goals.  Since goal setting determines the path we would walk, it is important to define goals early in the accomplishment process.  Research studies demonstrate a direct relationship between goals and enhanced performance whether in business or in personal development.

In management, setting and achieving goals translates to feelings of success for both employees and companies which in turn promote greater productivity, satisfaction, and self-assurance.

The following guidelines will help you organize and set up personal and professional goals:

Feasibility – Make sure that goals are indeed obtainable.  Visualize your goals and understand the end result.  Most athletes practice visualization to help them attain success.

Measures – Goals can be short or long term objectives and at any possible time try to quantify results applicable to your objectives by measuring percentages, dollar value, or time.  This will allow you to measure what you have achieved and make the necessary corrections.

Work and Achieve – This means being able to meet your goals based on your own efforts and determination or with the help of others such as personal advisors or coaches.  You must have control of your goals in order to create realistic objectives.

Try One Goal at a Time It is okay to work on more than one goal but planning for too many goals can be overwhelming and most likely you or your employees will give up.  Use your leadership strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly so you don’t let your team down.

Adjust When Necessary – Evaluate your progress periodically, provide honest feedback, and adjust along the way.  If you encounter roadblocks on your path to achieving your goals, don’t give up.

Celebrate Your Victories – Allow participation of your team in the goal setting process and be ready to celebrate accomplishments together!

Goals will keep you performing at your best and they must be the backbone of your personal or business routine.


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