10 Steps to Success in Sales and Leadership Mastery Part 2 of a 3 Part Series


By Kaya Redford

Last month, I addressed Steps 1 and 2 that dealt with goal setting and goal achieving. I also discussed two cutting-edge techniques:  Precision NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) which is the study of human excellence and Time Line Therapy® which aids in the removal of blocks.

The two key points were to: 

  1. Set the stage in advance so you are seen as the expert.
  2. Invoke the appropriate state – enthusiasm, confidence, passion, power, and a sense of urgency.

Here now is the continuation of my 3 part series with Steps 3 through 6 of the 10 Steps to Success, Sales, and Leadership Mastery! –

Step 3

Connect and establish deep rapport – build the bridge between you and your client.

Many people know the idea of commonality – the idea of wanting to find the same things they have in common with the person they meet.

What if no commonalities are present, what do you do?

You can Mirror or Match back to them certain mannerisms like their body language, facial gesture, voice tonality, and even their breathing pace. Do this very subtly so they don’t notice it. All you are doing is building a bridge of connection between you and your client to help them get what they want, to serve them in the best way. This principle relates to the Law of Vanity which reveals that people like others who are just like themselves. Of course, there are nuances to this that can’t be taught by just reading words on a paper.

Step 4

Speak into the other person’s “listening” – identify your client; know how to talk directly into their map of the world.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Speak into my listening”? Why? Because they were probably not aware that they had certain words they preferred to listen to and other words they just did not hear at all. The key here is to determine which words the person you are speaking with prefers or relies on most to experience their world of reality. As soon as you determine that, speak into their listening by using words within the language of their preferred sense. In other words, with visual people – talk about how your program LOOKS (Visual); with auditory people – talk about how it SOUNDS (auditory); with kinesthetic people – talk about how it FEELS; and with auditory digital people – talk about how it MAKES SENSE.

Step 5

Empowering Questions – Ask the right questions to elicit their deepest wants, needs, values, criteria, and emotions.

Instead of pushing for someone to do something, why not just empower them to do it! Instead of doing all the talking yourself, why not get them to do the talking. How do we do this? By asking the right questions – questions that empower them, which, when they answer those questions, they are literally talking themselves into doing business with you. All you are doing is just guiding the conversation.

Questions like:

1        What’s important to you?

2        What do you need?

3        If I could help you get those things, is that something you would like to hear more about?

4        How do you see yourself working with me? What do you see yourself benefiting by working with me?

Step 6

Set up powerful frames and pre-frames. Overcome any objections upfront before they are even given.

Is it true that your customer or client has preconceived objections before you have your meeting with them? Maybe they have Ideas of why they can’t or shouldn’t do business with you right now in the present moment. Perhaps they “think” they don’t have the time, money, or they “think” they need to think about it some more.

Let’s say a potential client perceives your service or you to be too expensive; here is a possible pre-frame you could say:

“I know you may be thinking that we are expensive and yet, every day, proactive people just like you choose to work with us because they know that they will achieve their goals and meet their needs faster by working with us than by going anywhere else.”


I look forward in sharing with you Steps 7 – 10 in next month’s issue.  Make sure to revisit Steps 1 and 2 in last month’s issue.

Kaya Redford, Founder/CEO/President of Kaya Redford SUCCESS Coaching and T.E.A.M. Up For Life Company (Think Excellence, Achieve Magnificence) can be contacted by phone at 310-871-6191, by email at info@KayaRedfordSuccessCoaching.com, or visit his website at www.KayaRedfordSuccessCoaching.com.


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