Vanity and Pride: The Deadliest of Sins


Written by Steven Kay, Steven Kay Media LLC
Talk Show Host & Producer, Media Buyer & Consultant

I went to see the movie, gBeowulf.h What a great movie. What an amazing story. They did a fantastic job recreating the book to the silver screen, at least from what I can remember. Hmmc from what I can remember; I havenft read the story since high school. Back then I believe it was required reading, at least for some. It is a shame that most who were sitting in the theater with me have never read the original work. In fact, some people my age have not read it either.

“Beowulfhc what an awesome tale, one with many lessons. It is a story about lust, shame, vanity, and pride. A story about how our sinful appetites can get the best of us. At least four of the seven deadly sins were portrayed. Actually, they touched on all seven in some way, shape or form. I think the most emphasized throughout the story and the most important to remember is pride.

Pride is excessive belief in one’s own abilities that interferes with the individual’s recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as vanity. Medieval theologian, Thomas Aquinas, said of pride, “Inordinate self-love is the cause of every sin… the root of pride is found to consist in man not being, in some way, subject to God and His rule.”

I used to not understand this. I used to think, gWhy should one not be proud of their accomplishments? Why should one not have pride in the talents and gifts that God has granted them?h I mean, if I reach a goal, achieve something great, make my mark upon the world, or help my fellow man in some way; if God allowed me to do so and I was able to fulfill even a small part of His divine plan, should I not be proud to have been so blessed?

I think we misinterpret the words we use as often as we do our emotions. It is in this that we direct ourselves down the right or wrong path. The emotion we should feel and probably start out with is gratefulness. Gratefulness for being blessed with Godfs talents and rewards, happy that He included me and gave me the ability to accomplish His works. Then you say or even just think to yourself, gI am proud to do so,h and that is when it starts. We donft really notice or make the distinction; we believe this is okay. In fact, it feels good to have that sense of pride, doesnft it?

They say that pride is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. Just like Beowulf, pride will lead you down the road of self-destruction, will cause wrath (anger) and envy (jealousy) when your pride is hurt, will allow you to be susceptible to lust and greed and gluttony (over-indulgence) because it causes you to feel that your current blessings are no longer enough. Pride truly is the root of all evil.

Steven Kay, Talk Show Host & Producer / Media Buyer & Consultant, Steven Kay Media LLC, 713-STEVEN-K (713-783-8365),,


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