Keep Dreaming in 2013: Four Keys to Success


By Julien Meyer

Improve your life right now. I followed these four steps and I swear I never thought I would be where I am today before I took these steps into action. My name is Julien Meyer, and I am a junior at the University of Central Florida. At 20 years old, I am the CEO and Founder of collegeTKTS LLC, a marketing firm based in Orlando, FL. I want to share with you today what I believe are the four keys to success for people like us – entrepreneurs, small business owners, dreamers.

  1. Dreams are realities. When you are young anything is possible. Everyone believes in you, and the world is a beautiful, wonderful place full of opportunity and is yours for the taking. Why does that thought fade away? When does that theory stop being true? When society tells you? When all the people around you tell you that it’s time to get real? No. It never ends. You still have the ability to do what you want. Get up. Seize the day. Move forward, make the jump, follow and chase your dreams. Dreams only remain dreams as long as we allow them to. Once we realize them, they become realities and change lives, ours and the ones around us. I don’t care if you are 15 years old and broke or 50 years old and in a “comfortable” career position. I don’t care if you are rich or poor, book smart or street smart, popular or not. The world is yours! Get up and take what you want. Start that business, expand your company, take the next step just get up and do it. Dreams are realities.
  1. Believe in yourself. If we don’t believe in ourselves than how are we ever going to achieve any of our goals? In life and especially in business we have to learn to trust ourselves and believe in our abilities. You can do it. You can achieve your goals, transform your dreams to realities, you can do whatever you want to do. Just believe in yourself. Whether it’s taking the plunge to start your dream company, increasing your sales, or growing your small business, the ability to do so is inside you and it always has been. You just have to trust in yourself and believe in your abilities. Don’t let others sideline your progress or your ambition. Believe in yourself.
  1. We’re all people. CEO, Janitor, Student, President of Operations, Chairman of the Board, Plumber, Lawyer. Those are all just titles. At the end of the day we are all the same. We’re all people. We all breathe, eat and sleep. As simple as that concept seems, when you truly accept it and believe it and fully understand it you will realize how easy life is and how much easier it will be to run your small business. When you lose the fear of dealing with people in positions of power and are able to treat everyone as equal, you will lose the fear of reaching out to potential new clients or investors, your network will expand, your sales will increase, your business will grow and you will be able to take the next step in your life and truly move forward. Remember we are all people and we are all equal. Believe that about life that and you will come across more success than you ever dreamed of.
  1. Now is always the right time. Realize your goals now. Don’t waste time. No excuses. You are in a “good” career position, you were the former CEO of a large company and now you work as a cashier at a supermarket. You are a 19 year old kid who “knows nothing” about the world, life or business. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are in your life. Anything is possible. You’re not too old and you’re not too young. You’re not too rich and you’re not too poor. You’re not too dumb and you’re not too boring. Now is not only the best time to make things happen; it’s the only time. Once “now” slips between your fingers, it’s gone forever. Do things now. Make things happen. Change the world. Don’t be scared. You can do it, I know that and you know that. Go change your life. Now.


Julien Meyer is the CEO & Founder of collegeTKTS LLC. You can contact him at


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